About AAWO

photo courtesy of Alpacas on the Horizon

Alpaca Association of Western Oregon

AAWO was established to benefit each and every one of its members. We believe every member has both the opportunity and responsibility to actively participate in the group, for the good of the group as a whole as well as the good of each individual member.

Our Mission Statement

The Alpaca Association of Western Oregon (AAWO) is dedicated to advocating a dynamic alpaca industry in Oregon and the Pacific Northwest. Our vision is to promote opportunities for members and their families to be successful marketing alpacas and alpaca products by “Building the Alpaca Industry on All Levels.”

To accomplish our mission, AAWO will:

  • Promote a spirit of partnership and trust among the members of the Alpaca Association of Western Oregon, their families and communities.
  • Stimulate marketing and future growth opportunities through shows, public relations events, educational forums, youth programs and other methods as our membership expands.
  • Create networking opportunities for our members.
  • Share services, equipment, supplies, facilities, talent, knowledge, fellowship and our passion for alpacas to facilitate success beyond that achievable as individuals.
  • Encourage the breeding of the highest quality of alpacas.
  • Provide training and education about alpaca management, health and husbandry practices.
  • Hold regular Membership and Board of Director meetings to conduct the business of the Association.
  • Encourage and welcome new members to AAWO, whether or not they own alpacas.

AAWO 2022 Board of Directors


President: Suzanne Cambell, Alpacas of Oregon
Vice President: Janell Weeks, Country Cottage Alpacas
Secretary: Vivienne Frankel, Fluffy Butt Alpacas
Treasurer: Sheila Crawford, Emmanuel Hill Ranch
Director at Large: Carol Fox, Alpaca Fancy LLC

Photo courtesy of Country Cottage Alpacas.

New Member Application/Membership Renewal

Please click this link for our PDF membership form.

alpaca group in a field

Photo courtesy of Alpacas of Oregon.